Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 73,974    [ Give / Take ]


40 entries this month

Come on 2010...

20:09 Dec 31 2009
Times Read: 1,637

So as I sit here waiting, reading a few VR journals I started to reflect back on 2009.

Started out with heart broken. While dad’s death still hurts I can honestly say I do have more good days then before. I still have grief to handle and still keeping it to myself mostly. Poor Birdy and Cat have been seeing me break down more, catching me in those moments that he crossed my mind or that I see something or someone who reminds me of him. I will always miss my father, feel that pain in my chest as I am hit with him being gone from my life.

*wipes tears and smiles*

Now on to the good parts of the year.

*sits and thinks*

I got the pleasure of meeting a few people from VR- ImagesinWords, Scott, and her son. I got to meet Heather (faeriemoon) and her friend. Also the one and only RedQueen. With each meet up I have added a person to my “What is going on? How is things?” list. I try my best to keep up with them, worry when they are going thru a bad day, smile when I see joy in their journals, postings.

There is Cat coming thru her surgery and on the mead. Her sister getting away from the dick she was married to.

Birdy still healthy and away from a man who does not love or respect her. And her ability to see she is worth more then the pain he was giving her. Love is great- what is not great is someone holding it from you and you caring so much that is causes you to hurt. That is not love. Love yourself- the rest is just icing on the cake I think. And never give anyone that power to hurt yourself.

Speaking of trust- I will agree I don’t trust people. I go from seeing that I don’t trust men to just wanting to stay as far away from them as I can. Do I meet men to date? At work? No. Sure I can find a slime bucket who will use me to pay his bills but really- never found a dick that I wanted to pay that much for. And after working with several men everyday a week at work- do I really want to spend time with them after those 8, 10, 12 hour days? HELL no.

So- 2009 did not find me falling in love. To bad, not so sad.

Health? Doing good. Energy is down, think that is depressing. Stress of the job is still high. Seems my pulse is racing at times so Dr. apt is a must once I get time.

Family- good on that front. Mom is still doing well, not great but well. She is liking having my sister with her most days, cooking lunch and dinner for her. Her last blood work was right on target so eating healthier is helping her. My other sister who lives out of town is not helping as much as she should, not coming home as often. I see both sides of this as she does have friends in her town and the two days she gets off she likes to spend at home. But she should step up and help with mom, give us a break some.

Work? Ahhh the vain of my life. Work is …the way I make a living now. It is not fun, it is not a pleasure as before. I feel alone and drifting. Thank god my core crew of three have stayed with me, covered my ass when I made mistakes, stood beside me when I needed them the most. I think I needed this year to just adjust to dad not being here. To come to terms that the buck stops with me.

I have no sounding board- no one to throw ideas off like before. It is make or break it with me and things in the business has changed that might just break it. Military jobs have changed big time of late- the income is not there and I have to readjust for this. Thing is… I don’t want to. The job is not easy and I was taught to never work for free. So I don’t see use being in business long.

That brings change. Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you change is not my favorite. It makes me stress out. So I have a MIA in my sister who helps in the business, I have problems that I have to face or say “Ok- I am done.” on the work front.

What do I want from 2010? Change. I know it will be hard but I do look forward to change. I am at the age that if I want to do my dreams, wish to do what I always wanted to in life I need to start. I don’t want to be the 80 year old who can do this and that but is unable because she waited till she could not longer walk. If that means me stressed out as it happens - then so be it. Change is good for your life and I am ready for it.

I also need to take back a few things at work. While the guys have step up- it is my business and it is time to be the boss that I know I can be, have been before Dad passed away.

There is going to be bumps in the road, I will have to remember to be nice about it, but it is time to take the lead again.

So 2010- bring it on. Let’s see what happens. I can face anything as I have my family, my friends, and my own inner strength to keep me going.

I am not alone in this no matter how I feel.



20:29 Dec 31 2009

*hugs her Rat*

16:45 Jan 01 2010

No Darlin' you are not alone.

20:00 Jan 01 2010

Never ever alone. :)

22:23 Jan 01 2010

Happy new year 2010 :)


17:37 Dec 31 2009
Times Read: 1,305

And sooooo the sage goes on. Seems the part he needs is in Lexington at the shop. That is a 300 mile round trip. That would be around... 5:00pm.

I would put it off till Monday- the guy really wants me too. But..

Now after he has played it will not call in at all. Meaning if I did have a fire it would not call in. Before they would not call me when it was pulling up J2- line problem. BUT if the system reports a Fire code- they would run fire trucks.

Now that he is here- it is not working at all.

*Cuss words...*

Well.. time to break out the rum and coke, and Dove candy I have hidden someplace.

Happy Freaking New Years to ME!




17:08 Dec 31 2009
Times Read: 1,308

Seems the ADT alarm system is not working again. After three weeks of the alarm going off and on, having to come to the office during the night to reset the fucker- I get a call from my sister a few minutes ago that ADT is here.

See- I went thru the phone company, the even put new lines in. They swear the line is not the issue. So I moved on to ADT who said they would have someone out here by the 7th. They also put me on a “ASAP” list just in case they could fit me in sooner.

I am at home, enjoying my day off work, sitting on the couch enjoying the nice steak I cooked…when the call came that they was here. Cussing all the way I got dressed and came to work.

They guy ask me if I knew I had a partial test on the system. OKKKK Where the hell have you been this month dick? “I know. It has had a problem for three weeks. You are here to fix it, right?” “No. I am here to do the monthly check up.” “You are sixteen days late- you know that right?” Now I am aware my usually guy is off having some surgery on his leg. So I was giving them a break on the monthly check up. But this guy??

Grrrrrr… “So can you do anything?” “Well I can’t check it since it is having problems. Let me look at it and see what is going on.”

He is on the phone with the tech- they are trying to work on it. But three things are clear-

1- He knows nothing about my system.

2- He is on the phone and not listening to a damn thing I am saying. “They did replace the one of two lines in. There is two lines going in but they only replaces one of the line, jack.” Him talking into the phone: “I don’t know why there is a new jack. If they put a new phone line in it will need added to the numbers.” Can I hit the back of his head? Really…

3- He is pissing me the fuck off.

My steak will be ruined when I get home. Do I wish to spend my last day of the year giving attitude to ADT? *sigh* Might as freaking do it and piss myself off all day.

Sooo much fun working for yourself. Whoo Hooo!




00:53 Dec 30 2009
Times Read: 1,286

I so lucky. Got a call from the Puppy/ RedQueen.


She knows just when I need to chat.




16:59 Dec 29 2009
Times Read: 1,326

Rat goes about checking the new profiles and finds one for a LordThadus…Birthdate: 547,991 B.C

“I am Thadus, that is all that needs to be known right now. I will add more later”

Along with two pictures from a website…

*Rat jumps up onto her desk, cane pointing to the computer screen as she starts her sells pitch*

That is right folks! Step right up! Here in VampireRave land we have not just Thadus but LORD Thadus. And look at that age…this one has been around the block a few times, let me tell ya. Just look…

*Rat looks at the profile…*

Well I am sure he is working on a picture. And you KNOW he is going to look all kinds of goodness. Myself- I think a person who lives that long should just be made a King. I mean…Pfff…Lord. He should be worshiped, people should bow at his feet! Beauty companies should be testing him for that fountain of youth!

Besides- look at this profile- He has been around for the English language to form, the poetry that is words to come about, he has seen the great writers of our world come and go. Read his words in wonder I tell you…..

*Rat looks back at the profile … and moves on*

The two internet pictures that we have seen on a thousand profiles… but hey- he is hip. He knows what is going on. He is not stuck in the dark ages but embraces the tech world. He got his at ….

*Rat looks closer at the little links*


Now I ask you… is that not worth a ten all by itself?

Huh? Huh? *wink wink*

*Rat spins her cane and bows*

And with that…we have meet Lord Thadus.

Thank you thank you… Please throw cheese not money.

*Rat throws cane aside, crashes into something off screen as she climbs off the desk*

I am going back to work.



17:07 Dec 29 2009

wow... Lord Thadus was Lord before there were, um, lords. I bet he's pretty good at cave painting.


*strokes invisible goatee*

18:10 Dec 29 2009

*throws cheese* I heart you for making me giggle before I even have coffee. :)

18:17 Dec 29 2009

Hee hee...LOL!

23:30 Dec 29 2009

LMFAO! *throws a lovely cheese medley*

00:36 Dec 30 2009

Woo hoo! Bravo!

*throws cheese*

Again! Again!

01:52 Dec 30 2009

-brings in 18 wheeler of cheese- for ya sweetie ^^

20:14 Dec 31 2009

LMAO, GIRL YOU ARE A TRIP !!! That was too funny And I so Agree with you usually this is a kid Who lives in his mothers Basement and hasn't seen the light of Day in a while.

20:18 Dec 31 2009


Squirting coffee out of my nose...

my eyes are dripping coffee tears...swiping it off my bald head.

Bad Rat. Bad Rat. Damn that's funny.

Sounds like something I wrote recently.

Give this chick the cheese...

That was funny.


14:54 Dec 29 2009
Times Read: 1,333

I am off by $4.07.


For two days I can't get this freaking journal page to balance.

*pulls at hair*

Let's add it ONE more time.



18:29 Dec 29 2009

I love the "fit to width" option Opera gives me.... I sure hate have to scroll down only to scroll over and then back up again.


17:56 Dec 28 2009
Times Read: 1,348

ladySnowStrixx made me a stampy. :) Thank you.



18:11 Dec 28 2009



15:54 Dec 28 2009
Times Read: 1,368

I made WildChild say "Oy vey"

*Takes deep breath and smiles*

Life is good.



16:00 Dec 28 2009

*places thumbs on temples palms facing out hands open wiggle fingers stick tongue out and blow*

16:13 Dec 28 2009

Ohhh that is being an adult. Big Bad Wildchild of the site- sticking his tongue out and wiggle his fingers.

ROFL- you are a nut case. And I luvs ya for it.

16:45 Dec 28 2009

I can't be mean all the time ya know...

17:04 Dec 28 2009

Really? Not what I heard.....



14:16 Dec 28 2009
Times Read: 1,374

I think some of the problems of the year just waits. They sit and they wait for the worst time to land at your feet.


Or that just might be at work.

I don't know...just saying.

Sooo...how much does a new truck motor cost these days?


And how am I paying for it....

This worked so much better when Dad was here. One- he would know if he needed the motor, not just taking the word of one man. Two- he would just tell me he was going to spend $2,000.00. There was no fussing at dad- he told me- I came up with the money. He never spent more then he had to have.

It just seems all the trucks are giving up as they are not being pampered like Dad did. And....I guess it is all the questions if it is needed that is bothering me.

I mean... dad could listen to a motor and tell what was wrong with it. Drive it and tell something was needed worked on.

Really- why am I doing this still?




16:06 Dec 27 2009
Times Read: 1,403

Am I the only one is freaking done with 2009?


I want a new start.



16:18 Dec 27 2009

How about just a whole new life?

16:29 Dec 27 2009

Let's go sis, I'm ready- VARRRROOOOM!!!

16:50 Dec 27 2009

Me too.

16:57 Dec 27 2009

Agreed a new start would be lovely wouldn't it? Blessed Be

01:52 Dec 28 2009



01:24 Dec 25 2009
Times Read: 1,423

Nightgame is home sweet home! After doing the shopping for my sister who hurt her leg early this week (talk about a crowd- try Krogers at 8:00am), I went up to spend the day, night, into the morning to let her sis go home to have Christmas with her children. Yes- my own family understood and sent me with blessings to give Connie.

Instead- I got to spend the day with good company as we waited to see what happen...and home we all three came.

Cat did all the Dr. asked of her, no matter the pain and she got to come home. :)

Now I am going to drink the rest of my hot drink and go to bed. I think I can sleep tonight. I know two other women who are sleeping good as well...if the two kids will let them after being gone three days.

Merry Christmas to all by the way. Between the cold, sis being sick, and thinking of dad so much I just wanted to skip forward to 2010. But now I am kind of looking forward to spending some time with my family, you just never know what this time next year will bring in life.

And with that note- please please please take just a few seconds to hug those you love, telling them how much they mean to you.

I will be doing so in the morning, hope Cat and her sisters knows they are family in my heart, and Birdy gets her own hug when we see each other again this weekend after she returns to town from her family Christmas.

Take the time...trust me when I say life can change in a blink of the eye it seems.

Night all.



03:17 Dec 26 2009

yes it can....and ....i love you too! :)

04:27 Dec 26 2009

I'm going to send you a cyber hug, as you are a wonderful friend. Thanks for keeping me posted about Nightgame. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.


21:58 Dec 22 2009
Times Read: 1,445

Update on Nightgame/ Birdy. She laid around all day waiting as they had a "delay" on the operation. Meaning Dr. was late, saving another persons life, who knows. She went in finally around 3:40 pm.

I understand it is a three hour deal- and the Dr. said they would send out a nurse to tell the family how it is going half way into it.


We wait by the phone.



23:09 Dec 22 2009

-send tons of positive vibes and good waves of love and care-

00:54 Dec 23 2009

Just talked to her brother and he said they called in- the nurse came out and said it was going good. Connie was doing great, they was able to go into it from her side, so no rib cracking. :) They was half way.


02:52 Dec 23 2009

And the Cat comes thru. She is in ICU- the tumor is out. They said it was bigger then XRay lead them to think so it took longer. They had to deflate her right lung to get it out, but the lung came right back once they let air back in and she was breathing normal. She is still asleep.

I am off to bed- another early morning for me but Birdy is staying up to keep a "phone" eye on her. We kind of wanted to talk to Cat, see how she feels but she might just sleep all night.

They pushed her "If it all goes well" release from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day or day after. :(

But that is alright- Cat is bouncing back! Yeah!! yeah!! YEAH!!


02:01 Dec 22 2009
Times Read: 1,478

Did a Snapvine for House Eternal. :) So leave me, us a message if you wish. :) I was going to sing "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" but my cold is still got the better of me. I mean..while I am not in the holiday cheer...I also don't want to make people suffer either. ;)



02:19 Dec 22 2009

Left a msg :)

03:17 Dec 22 2009

I know. :) We got all of the family on yours. And the ending is wonderful. lol Thank you.

03:28 Dec 22 2009

Yeah, I shoulda thought that through beforehand :P


00:53 Dec 22 2009
Times Read: 1,487

You know..when you are not in the freaking holiday mood...people who are just pisses the FUCK out of you.

Just giving ya a heads up.

So stick your HOO HOO up your HOO HOO.

And saying that just made me feel better.




03:51 Dec 22 2009

your ho ho up your hoo hoo, oh you bad bad elf! lol

03:59 Dec 22 2009


04:27 Dec 22 2009

LOL that was really Funny.

16:59 Dec 22 2009

lol! indeed!

17:29 Dec 22 2009

I can overly relate!!


13:58 Dec 21 2009
Times Read: 1,496

If this video doesn't make you go "Ahhh how cute!" then there is something wrong with ya.





13:31 Dec 21 2009
Times Read: 1,498

Was able to watch Dexter online this season. The last show..how it ended.. You got to be kidding???

I don't know how he will handle this.

Poor kids.

But it sure brings in a different twist to the show.





17:04 Dec 19 2009
Times Read: 1,522

faeriemoon got me sick. She has been around a sick hedgehog and otter... then she 'bite' me here on VR and I am now sick.

Please folks... don't spread germs by biting people on here.

Be safe- keep your fangs to yourself.

Or wear rubber fang covers.



00:14 Dec 20 2009

That gives "wear a rubber" a whole new meaning! Lol

02:04 Dec 20 2009

You mean this doesn't work?

11:56 Dec 20 2009

Puppy has had a cold ever since the doctor jammed that F***** H1N1 shot without so much as a by your leave. Little nose is cold and drippy


00:49 Dec 21 2009

OMG ROFL Sorry you're sick baby but dang the comments and stuff here are hilarious!


03:06 Dec 19 2009
Times Read: 1,529

Nothing like a sister you call during commercial breaks of a show you both are watching, chatting, hanging up as the show comes back on and the other not getting mad. Phone rings, picking it up to start the chat where you left off.

Well…yes there is. When you answer the phone and both say at the same time “She is not the only one lost.” lol “I knew you would say that.” “Like you would not have said it?” “True.”

Sister…got to love them. Night Birdy.



04:12 Dec 19 2009

Night Sis........Lub you lots!!


22:52 Dec 18 2009
Times Read: 1,531

Stove is making a noise...


Oven is on- cooking chicken for some noodles- homemade soup in a way.

And it sounds like a motor is going out.

Fan is not on...



Oh. And it is snowing. :)




21:53 Dec 18 2009
Times Read: 1,533

*spoken in a deep sexy voice*

The weather man is talking snow. I think he is crazy but we will see. Might have to have some hot rum to warm up.

*cough, blows nose*

Or to get a good night sleep. I am all out of the Nyquil. The night time so you can sleep stuff..or how ever the ad goes.

*crawls under a blanket, reachs to pull in the kleenex box with her*




21:34 Dec 17 2009
Times Read: 1,541

Picture this ….

A frosty morning, the black bare tree limbs against the pale blue/golden sky of the sunrise. You look at a large open field and see a herd of white cows against the trees, the white to black stunning in the beauty. Then you notice they are all looking… you brake your car, looking to see what they are looking at…

Frosty field… the first rays of sun falling onto the Elk. In the center of the cleared field, he lifts his head to show you the horns, his exhale of breath from his wet nose covering his face and floats upward as he looks at you, his eyes a soft brown as you two share a look. The suns just hitting the side of his face, his body big as a horse, as you stare up close at the animal you have only seen from far away.

Yes… picture that as I left home without my camera this morning.


My 300 lens would have taken that shot so well.




00:58 Dec 18 2009

that would have been a good shot. :)

00:48 Dec 21 2009



23:27 Dec 16 2009
Times Read: 1,567

If the damn thing did not cost what it did...

I would take it outside and dance as it burned in a fire.

Softbox lights SUCK!



01:20 Dec 17 2009

But but the effect is so pretty :)

14:58 Dec 17 2009

I live Morri's, I have fun with all of her lighting equipment.

What's the problem?

20:55 Dec 17 2009

Well it kind of.. the bulb went pop.. the ...it..

*hangs head*

It fell over. Bulb I replaced, had to take the ring apart to get to the fuse as it was gone as well.

Learned my lesson tho- I really really did.

:) Thanks for the offer to help birra.


16:41 Dec 16 2009
Times Read: 1,585

Nothing can show me how artistic you are, expression of yourself then you holding your hands under your bare breast to push them up as someone take the picture.

Really... I am sooo glad I got to see those.

*sarcastic tone*



18:41 Dec 16 2009

oo00oh, sounds classy!

19:58 Dec 16 2009

What you don't like them like this *adjusts bewbies to left* is that better???

21:43 Dec 16 2009

You mean that works! *snorts*

18:17 Dec 17 2009

ooOooo giggles!


21:27 Dec 15 2009
Times Read: 1,599

Went shopping last evening for make up. Nope- not for me but for a 13 year old young lady. Monday I was not in a great mood, head was killing me with the second day of a bad headache. I took a hot shower right before bed Sunday night and went to bed with my hair wet. Monday it was not any better so I went to work with no makeup, hair wild and crazy looking…and into the make-up shop I go.

This place is nice, limited for me in the brands I like. I am hit with two beautiful ladies all dressed and made up to the nines. I am sent toward the sales, me smiling as they try to make me understand that make up is costly but a good investment in the long run. What? Do I look like I buy at the Family Dollar store? I told both of the pushy sales people thanks but I knew what I wanted.

I turned toward the Bare Essentials display. Understand- this child is going to be the closest I have to a daughter, the only one I will be able to teach makeup to. She will have the best to start off with damn it. I will not have any control what she wears as she gets use to wearing makeup, wanting to try different things, but I am going to protect her pale lovely skin as much as I can, for as long as I can.

At 13 she is breaking out in the T zone, as all kids do. It is making her feel bad about herself and that I can not stand. When I did the makeup for her Christmas pictures I had to dark of a color, using her mom’s foundation. I knew what I wanted, had a list in my head. Sitting down the purse I got to work.

Foundation- palest they make…my little vampire girl hates the outside. Concealer to help with the coverage and powder to set. Eyes shadows of gray, blue, nude, brown, dark brown, green and a nice plum. Glittery style… this is the age to wear it, trust me.

Blush- peach and pinkish to start her out with. Not a brown tone till she is use to using it.

Eyebrow…where is the eyebrow powder? I asked one of the sales ladies who got the hint when I stop answering their questions to leave me the freak alone if they had what I wanted. “We have it in a set. It comes with the setting gel…” “Not what I asked for. She does not need all that. Just the powder. Do you have it?” “Yes. It is in the back.” In other words- they want you to buy the set.

Please… if there is one store I know my way around- it is a makeup store.

Now…lipsticks before I hit the brushes. I am standing looking down at the tubes thinking- nude, brown, pink, and a red…she has to have a red no matter what her Mom says. Every woman should have a red lip color. Then it hits me- she is 13 years old. What are you doing??!! Where is the shinny glosses at? I have to stop buying for a 42 year old and think young. Young when your skin did not wrinkle. When your lids are small, not dropping. The gloss is a must for her.

Brushes- three to put on the foundation items, four for the eyes, one check as she does not have to worry about highlighting at this age. And no lip brush as she just uses the gloss, no worry about the wrinkles around her mouth making it bleed. Damn- to be young again. To be 13 years old and know how to take care of my skin better.

As the ladies was ringing up the items I though back to the Cover Girl make up I use to buy. Foundation in the bottle, clogging up my skin. The blush in a little compact with the eye shadows. Make up has changed so much since then. I pay the large bill, the ladies are happy. Seems the ugly woman with the wild hair and no make up on her face at all credit card was good. I know they was thinking they would have to put up all the make up I pulled out… you could just see it in their face. I think I understand why I don’t shop much here- just a little snobby. And pushy on the sales.

Then over to show her the goodies. I went step by step, doing one side of her face as she did the other. Her Mom warn me not to make her too trashy (Like I would know how to do that.;) I did NOT want this 13 year old to look like a 16 year old. I wanted a natural, understated make up that gave her a boost. I had to laugh when she asked me what the half inch?? Wrinkle was around her mouth. “That is a laugh line honey. It will only get bigger as you age.” Some wrinkles just are. I had to smile tho…at 13 and she worried about wrinkles. But then… ok- I see a good cleaner coming her way as well, and some skin products.

When her mother came in and looked at her all done up I think I nailed it. She was happy, her daughter was happy, Cat (her aunt) was happy. I did a finally test by putting all the items into the bag and shaking it up- pulling it out so she could tell me what it was used for, what brush went with what area on the face. She had to learn it enough to do it on her own and she did a great job.

Connie told me she woke her up early this morning, making her check how it looked before she wore it to school. First day with full make up at school. Do you even remember that day? I know I don’t. But I know it will go well. There is not way to mess up the foundation, the blush it is so light. Unlike when I first started to wear it at her age, dark face and pale neck. One eye shadow from lid to brow. LOL God lord but I am just happy she let me help her as I would never want her to look as bad as I did my first few months of makeup. :)

Those where the days...



23:38 Dec 15 2009

What a great Aunty you are.

I bet she was excited.

01:59 Dec 16 2009

Gee....can I be adopted too? :)


19:39 Dec 14 2009
Times Read: 1,615

Ahhh.. got my card in the mail from CryingMist. So cute!

I need to get mine out to the three or four who wanted to exchange cards. I really do.

So...does the USA postage stamp take it to Canada? Hey... I never sent anything there so how am I to know? Hmmm

Any idea about that? or do I have to make a stop at the busy, no one at the counter, post office?



21:30 Dec 14 2009

you will need to go to the post office for sure.

01:10 Dec 15 2009

I worked in one and yes the rate is different so yes off to the P.O you go :)

01:46 Dec 15 2009

I'm glad you asked as I'd have screwed it up too! lol


18:45 Dec 14 2009
Times Read: 1,621

Sis who lives out of town just called to check how mom's blood work turned out as she went to the Dr today for her check up. (all is well by the way) Yeah!!!

I picked up the phone and hear her going "Heeelllloooo? Hell- O! Anyone there?" sounding like such an country ass. LOL It is how she plays as it is her business as well so...she gets by with it.

"Oh..uh..you did not reach us. This is...oh hell..uhh.. this is a machine. Yeah- that is it. Press one if you think we are going to call you back." She did. "Press two if you have not been called back these many years and are still leaving these stupid vocie mails" She lets out a loud "Ohh you didn't" and started to pound on the numbers.

I had to laugh and she told me I was being mean to her. "It is like you don't want to talk to me." I said "Yeah and the point you are making is...what?"

:) Sisters. You can never treat anyone like you do sisters.



18:54 Dec 14 2009

They were born to have to take it :)


17:12 Dec 14 2009
Times Read: 1,630

Do you remember the Star Trek show Mirror Mirror? The show that showed you a fictional parallel universe? Ever wonder…if that is true what the “other” or “Others” of you are like?

I hope one is wearing a min with a dagger on her hip.

I hope one is lady like and able to talk to anyone, not being nervous.

I hope one is living my dreams out.

I hope one is a “take no shit” kind of gal.

But then…

One or more might be dead.

Or in jail.

Or in a worst place then I am right now.


I liked my first list better. :P

Kick some ass wearing black boots and a min… yeah… that is the one I hope is out there.



18:07 Dec 14 2009

Oh yeah kicking ass in a mini skirt! lol


23:17 Dec 13 2009
Times Read: 1,647

I love this guy. :)




03:11 Dec 11 2009
Times Read: 1,666

:) You know- that felt good. Like my old self on the site.




03:24 Dec 11 2009

Let's leave the word "old" out of comments please! lol

21:17 Dec 11 2009

YAY :D *gushes*


21:26 Dec 10 2009
Times Read: 1,682

Freaking cold. Taking in the wind it is in the low 20's.

The guys stop this morning at a gas station and I pulled up to put gas in my car, half a tank.

They was sitting back in the truck, done eating, and pulling up to see what my deal was.


Great day to have found the slowest freaking gas pump in the world.



21:36 Dec 10 2009

I always find that one that's set at little old lady speed! brrr it was a cold morning!

21:44 Dec 10 2009

Stay warm! Its dangerous out there.


20:29 Dec 09 2009
Times Read: 1,713

Well..that was odd. *looks at VR funny* How did that change accounts? Hmmm..



20:52 Dec 09 2009

What you talking about Rat?

21:00 Dec 09 2009

I think C-Man's Delorian just hit 88MPH and we went back in time a bit...


14:48 Dec 09 2009
Times Read: 1,717

Myspace Countdown or Myspace Layouts

*Rat watchs the time click by...her mind starting the list of what to pack*



15:54 Dec 10 2009



18:37 Dec 08 2009
Times Read: 1,735

Nothing like coming home early. :) Windstream sent five men, three vans and two pickups to work on the phone lines at 8:00 am this morning. Sister had to deal with them as I was several towns away by then starting a job.

They ran new lines in the office from the buried lines that come to the buildings. The alarm is working so far.

Cost? Jack shit nothing. Sometimes it pays to be a bitch.

Got a sauce going on the stove for some pasta for lunch/dinner. Might even try a make up look tonight. :)




14:18 Dec 07 2009
Times Read: 1,747

Spent Sunday dealing with the ADT alarm system in the building. It checks itself thru two of the offices phone lines, so when the phone lines have issues- it goes off. Sunday it went off 8 times, leaving me to go to the office and reset it. By the 6th time when you hear “This is ADT. Your alarm is going off at XXXX- it is pulling up a fire.” “Really? Then let the fucker burn damn it.”


And of course when you call the phone company this morning they start the run around of “There is nothing wrong with the lines. You will need to call ADT back and tell them to check their system.” Sorry but we have been on this rollercoaster before and it is ALWAYS your fucking lines.

“Then you will need to get a private company to rewire..” “Let’s just stop right there. I pay every month to get coverage on these lines, in case there is a problem with them. In other words- get your ass out here.”

Yes- call me a bitch but fuck it… you don’t have bells going off every hour or so when the alarm tries to call in to check itself. Nor the issue of the building can not go without the alarm for more then 24 hours, unless we have an “Act of God” for the military to start bitching. I am to report the alarm is down as it is… *shifty eyes*

Then a call from a customer two towns away who wants to know the cost to move her daughter into her home, in town move. “What does she have to move?” “Well… I don’t know.” It is a hourly rate so I need an idea. After ten minutes of me asking questions like “You said she has a table- kitchen? Dining room?” “It is just a table you eat off of.” “How many chairs?” “I don’t know.”

Well how the fuck am I to know? You want me to tell you how much time it will take but you can’t fucking answer me when I ask what it is you want moved? No wonder the town can not keep a mover if they are all as fucking stupid as you. I told her of the four hour min we have, all I can do to tell her it will cost at least this much. “It will only cost that much?” she whined yet again, wanting me to give her a cost. “No. I said it will cost at least this much. Since you can’t tell me what you are moving- I can’t estimate the time needed. Why don’t you find out some information before you call a mover. I am not a damn mind reader.” Ok ok… it was rude but…Damn it.

It is going to be a long freaking ass Monday, I can tell.




23:05 Dec 05 2009
Times Read: 1,764

Birdy's parents 50th anniversary party went GREAT! The church was all decked out, looking good, all the aunts working putting food out. Then CRASH! something falls and breaks- the wine glass for the toast is broken. Silents as all turn to see what broken when you hear..."Shit" from the Birdy's mouth as she looks down at the glass she drop.


Me and Cat almost pissed our pants as we tried to not laugh.

Slowly the work started back up, as the Aunt and cousins never said a word.

LOL- We am so going to rub that in a few dozen or so times.



03:35 Dec 06 2009

Yeah,...........just.........yeahhhhhhhhhh said with lots of...oh my.....i cannot believe i did that.....


01:06 Dec 05 2009
Times Read: 1,799

If one more person throws at me "You have copyright pictures on your own portfolio." I am going to .....

Pat myself on the back and say...

DAMN! I am good.





06:34 Dec 05 2009


11:16 Dec 05 2009


11:37 Dec 05 2009

That's my rat...lol

13:28 Dec 05 2009

Beat them

With a stick.


18:06 Dec 05 2009

"You have copyright pictures on your own portfolio."


18:19 Dec 05 2009

lol, just look at them as say why Thank you I ,m glad you think they look that good.

18:43 Dec 08 2009

Yes, yes you are that good :D

About time you said it ;)


01:46 Dec 04 2009
Times Read: 1,819

Went last night and watched New Moon. I know I know- me going to see a Twilight movie? Kiss it.

I have to say it was a lot better then the first movie- seems to be more action. And the werewolf’s where great.

But the last part- where he asked her to marry him… really? It would have been a lot better if he had said “I want a threesome with you and the werewolf.” Now THAT would of made a great third movie.

Just saying.



02:25 Dec 04 2009

:P Awesome :) We went- me, Scott, and Christoper on opening night here. It was quite an experience.

17:33 Dec 04 2009

Oh goodie then you'll love to see it again with me :)

20:19 Dec 04 2009

I'm sure you could jazz the storyline up in all sorts of ways, Rat. lol

01:40 Dec 05 2009

huh lmao...

01:49 Dec 05 2009


18:44 Dec 08 2009



You know I have to say it, "I agree"

*runs to go hide*


14:30 Dec 02 2009
Times Read: 1,847

Birdy is going to interview me as part of her class lessons tonight. She is going to video tape it- show her class how a interview/session goes. If you know what Birdy teaches then you will understand my concerns.

I mean… what if I turn out to be the kind that you see in the news? “She was a lovely neighbor, waved hello, never said a bad word. Quiet really.” They say it is the silent ones you have to watch out for.


It is not nice to laugh at that last line. I am quiet gosh damn it.


Anyway… Sic unit here I come.



14:32 Dec 02 2009

Oh man I would love to be a fly on the wall for that :)

14:37 Dec 02 2009

I would really never imagine you being the quiet type. :P

16:15 Dec 02 2009

*looks down* I've always seen you as being an outgoing and nip it in the butt kind of person in real life.

But don't worry, I'm quiet too. But when I do talk, it's like I can't stop!

What does she teach?

16:48 Dec 02 2009

She is in the mental health field. :) She can tell me if I am crazy or not. lol

20:33 Dec 02 2009


02:23 Dec 03 2009

Hey, I've been there...No Worries...You will fit right in!

04:57 Dec 04 2009

A) the LAST thing you are is QUIET

B) You say LOTS of bad words

but C) you don't have a microwave in the house. And I SLEPT there for four days...

OHMIGAWD I could have been barbecued over an open pit with someone slapping sauce on my ass with a mop.

I guess it ain't always the quiet ones, hunh....

01:51 Dec 05 2009

Wow...I recently did a mock interview, and did quite well, surprisingly!


23:38 Dec 01 2009
Times Read: 1,859

Life is strange. Yesterday it was such a Monday for me at work- all the plans blown out of the water, pissed off within 20 mins of opening the office door. Then dinner beside a fireplace with Birdy for company made the day turn better . Then today working with the guys, all going well, no whine from them like the day before. Getting off my shit list from the day before. Understanding we all have our days, as I am sure they put up with my own days.

In other words....Life.

Now a nice hot shower and I think I am going to bed early.



01:01 Dec 02 2009

I'm glad you had a relaxing dinner and that today was was so much better :)

01:34 Dec 02 2009

The fireplace was great wasn't it?! I really would like to have one someday.


04:19 Dec 01 2009
Times Read: 1,516

What is it with men who think it is wrong for a woman to watch porn?

What? The one with man on man action doesn't get you all steaming like it does me?

Well.... that is for you to deal with dude, not me.



04:46 Dec 01 2009


05:09 Dec 01 2009


I'm not the only one!

13:37 Dec 01 2009

no...I am also guilty of getting turned on by watching 2 guys go at it! lol

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